By John Orr I only got to see Sunnyland Slim perform once,
several years ago at Slim's in San Francisco.
When I first caught sight of
Sunnyland Slim, he was sitting quietly on stage,
looking as much like a cadaver as any human I've ever
He was old, and crippled, and tired.
But, man, when he played his music,
those old hands flew over the piano keys like
honeybees at a pollen convention.
It was like he saved all his energy for
the one thing that mattered: the music.
The following was originally
prepared for publication in 1992.
I used to be a good boy, and I did
just what my mother said
Mmmmmmmm, boy, I did just what my
mother said
But I got with some fast fast
women, and I really had too much fun
-- Sunnyland Slim
When this century's great black exodus
took place, from the agrarian economy and racist horrors
of the South to the industrialized and slightly more
enlightened North, blues and gospel music made the trip
Most of the great blues singers
started in Mississippi, but a few came from Alabama,
Louisana and elsewhere, maybe stopping off in
Memphis, then heading on to the big cities of New
York, Detroit and Chicago.
It was in Chicago that the chemistry
really started popping, transforming the country blues
into the urban blues that became its own monster
phenomena among black Americans, and the tap root of rock
'n' roll.
And when those young black singers
got to Chicago after World War II, hungry and looking
for work, they stopped at Sunnyland Slim's house.
From 1947 through 1954, the basement of
Slim's house was where Lester Davenport, Johnny Jones,
Floyd Jones, Otis Spann, Little Walter, Big Bill Broonzy,
Eddie Boyd, Junior Wells, Earl Hooker, Jimmy Rogers,
Willie Mabon and other great Chicago musicians went to
drink, shoot pool or craps, sleep, eat and play music.
(In modern days, Slim still sometimes plays host to a
circle of musician friends, but not on the scale of the
old days.)
``All the musicians, they just
taken up with Sunnyland,'' Davenport told John
Brisbin for Delmark Records. ``Because he wasn't
prejudiced no kind of way. He wasn't jealous hearted
of nobody, regardless of what you play or how you
play. It was just open house for all the musicians.''
No stranger to the Bay Area, Sunnyland
Slim was scheduled to play at the 1988 opening of Boz
Scagg's Slim's nightclub in San Francisco, but, recalls
sax player Samuel Burkhart, but wasn't able to attend,
because of health problems.
He's slated to play at a festival
in Long Beach in September, and may come up to the
Bay Area at that time.
Born Albert Luandrew, Sunnyland Slim
got his introduction to the Chicago scene from Broonzy,
and returned the favor a little later for another fresh
arrival from Mississippi, Muddy Waters. It was Slim who
finagled the deal that got Waters into the Chess studios
to record ``Can't Be Satisfied'' in 1947, which led to
the Muddy Waters Band, which led to what became known as
the Chicago sound.
And ``finagled'' is the right word.
In those days, it wasn't just music that financed
Slim's house -- ``If there be gamblin' or pool
hustlin' somewhere in the city, you find him there if
he no workin','' remembered Davenport of those
hustle-to-survive days.
``I lied and got Muddy in there,'' Slim
recalls, by phone from his Chicago home. ``No union! But
he could play that guitar sound the way he played it, and
Chess needed that. I got him in there, and he and
(Willie) Dixon played those tunes.''
``If there's a noble definition of
hustler, it would be Sunnyland Slim,'' says Burkhart,
a Swiss born saxophone player who's performed with
Slim the last 10 years. ``Maybe some of his
activities in those days may have been a bit
questionable, legally, but I think morally they were
quite sound.
``He is a very independent character.
That is probably why he started his own record label (not
Delmark). ``He never made it as big as some of the
others, such as Muddy Waters, but always was his own
I''m gonna tell all you boys and
girls, don't live your life too fast
Well, I'm gonna tell all you boys
and girls, don't live your life too fast
'Cause when she dead and gone, that
is all she wrote, dear John
-- Sunnyland Slim
 Top photo:
From left are Sunnyland Slim on piano, Samuel Burkhart on
saxophone, Robert Stroger on bass, Steve Freund on guitar
and Robert Covington on drums. Photos taken at Blues on
Halsted, where Sunnyland Slim plays every Sunday night.
``I've got plates in my legs in four
places,'' Sunnyland Slim explained in 1991 about his
crutches. ``I'm old, been trying to take it easy. I play
on Sundays, some weeks, a couple of nights.''
``He defies medical science as we know
it,'' says sax player Samuel Burkhart. ``He broke his hip
three years ago, which is usually a death sentence for
someone in their 80s. But he is still very active, still
plays gigs from 9 p.m. until 2 a.m.''
